Application Form II
1. Position Apply

Applied Position:
2. Personal Information
Full Name (Chinese):
Full Name (English):
Nick Name:
Date of Birth:
ID Number:
Tel no.(Home):
Tel no.(Mobile):
Marital Status:
Email Address:
3. Academic Qualification(s)
(please start with the latest qualification attained)
(you can add maximum of 4 qualifications)
4. Professional Qualification(s)
(please start with the latest qualification attained)
(You can add maximum of 4 Professional Qualifications)
5. Employment History (please start with the latest employment)
(You can add maximum of 5 Employment Historys)
6. Skills Languages
Cantonese (Spoken):
Putonghua (Spoken):
Chinese Written:
English (Spoken):
English Written:
Computer Skills:
Word Excel Powerpoint Others
Chinese typing:
倉頡 / 速成/ 拼音/
Others Skills:
7. Expected Salary And Availabe Date
Expected Salary:
Available Date:
8. Sources of application
Recommended By Friend?
Inviter's Name
Inviter's Phone
How you heard about HBS?

Please Specify
9. Personal Declarations
I, hereby certify that the enclosed information I provide in my application form is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information will lead to the rejection of my application or my discharge should I be employed.
I hereby authorize any of the organization listed on the application form to provide Healthology Biosciences Limited (refer to "your company") any or all information in regard to my previous employment, education and qualification for employment. Moreover, I authorize your company to receive or disclose my personal data to relevant coroperation related to employment and staff planning.
All information I provide is to be used for the purpose of staff planning. I understand that your company might pass my data to other department of your company and to companies in the same group as Healthology Biosciences Limited for the above purpose.
I have read and understand this agreement.
I Agree

Do you have any criminal conviction in the past?

Date of Application:
Photo:(format: JPG,2MB)
Support multiple photo upload
Resume:(format: PDF,2MB)
Support multiple photo upload
IOS not support multiple photo upload
Signature of Applicant

You must sign it before submit**
*Personal data will be kept and handled comfidentially by authorized personnel for recruitment purpose only.
Information of unsuccesful candidates will be destroyed within 6 months.